St. Andrew's CE (VA) Junior School

Promoting excellence within a caring, Christian community

Tel: 01484 712895 | Fax: 01484 381069

‘St Andrew’s Junior School is OUTSTANDING in all areas.’ – Ofsted December 2022. ‘St Andrew’s Infant School is GOOD with OUTSTANDING features in Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes’ – Ofsted June 2023.

The PTA of St. Andrew’s

The PTA of St Andrew’s are a group of parents and others who fundraise for the school. We are a small friendly group and always happy to welcome new volunteers!

Recent fundraising events have included school discos, film nights and our Christmas and Summer Fairs. Money raised has gone towards new playground equipment, water bottles for each child and the Year 6 leavers party.

PTA meetings are held roughly once each half term in the evening at the school and all parents are welcome to attend. Look out for the dates of the meetings on the school newsletter. If you can’t attend meetings but would be willing to help in other ways we would also love to hear from you. For more information please contact the PTA via the school office or via their Facebook page.

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Parent Consultation Evenings

Wednesday 9th October 2024 Thursday 10th October 2024 Links will be text out  to parents Read more…

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