St. Andrew's CE (VA) Junior School

Promoting excellence within a caring, Christian community

Tel: 01484 712895 | Fax: 01484 381069

‘St Andrew’s Junior School is OUTSTANDING in all areas.’ – Ofsted December 2022. ‘St Andrew’s Infant School is GOOD with OUTSTANDING features in Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes’ – Ofsted June 2023.


Who are the Governors?

School Governors are a team of people who work closely with the Headteacher to make key decisions vital to the successful running of the school. The Governors appoint the Headteacher and make decisions that directly affect the education and well-being of the children. They play an important role in improving standards throughout the school and agree the school’s budget. As a church school our Governing Body comprises foundation governors appointed by the church and other people from different walks of life. This brings a good balance of skills to move the school forward.   The Full Federated Governing Body for St Andrews Infants and Juniors Schools, runs within the parameters of the Instrument of Government and Terms of Reference, which are reviewed annually.   The Governing Body has one committee, the Pay and Resources Committee. During the 2023/24 academic year the committee membership consists of  Graham Lawley (Committee Chair),  Glenys Philips and Ian Knight.

Governance Information updated May 24

Contact the Governing Body

You can contact any member of the Governing Body by letter, telephone or email: 01484 712895

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Parent Consultation Evenings

Wednesday 9th October 2024 Thursday 10th October 2024 Links will be text out  to parents Read more…

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